Clinic: 319-362-3937
Optical: 319-366-2020

Optical Center


Regular eye exams and consistent eye care are vital to maintain the health of your eyes and keep your vision as good as it can possibly be.

Eye exams

We truly want you to understand how important it is to have regular, comprehensive eye exams with your Iowa Eye Center ophthalmologist. Keeping that personal interaction and information current helps keep your eyes healthy and ensures that your prescription for eyeglasses or contact lenses is up to date and correct.

Eye tests

Our comprehensive eye exams include a variety of tests to ensure your eyes are healthy and free of disease. With your ophthalmologist’s help, you can get ahead of possible conditions before they do significant damage. You can also be reassured just how healthy your eyes are. The tests include:
* Visual Acuity Testing
* Color Blindness Testing
* Glaucoma Screening
* Pupil Dilation


Iowa Eye Center Ophthalmologist Dr. Gross on the importance of Routine Eye Care and Regular Exams.


If your eye doctor discovers any abnormalities or possible issues with your eyes during a standard eye exam, further testing and evaluation may be in order. It goes without saying that keeping your eyes healthy and mitigating any potential damage is one of the most important things you can do.

Schedule your eye exam

Whether you’re a current patient or a new patient, now is the time to call Iowa Eye Center to schedule your next eye exam with an experienced ophthalmologist. Most eye exams are covered by insurance, so there is no reason to delay. Call us at (319) 362-3937 or toll free at 1-800-362-3937.

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Iowa Eye Center